Saturday, May 12, 2007

Words of Wisdom For Dads (and Moms!)

I couldn't say this any better. This comes from Jason Peacock who writes for Christian Dads (a very cool blog).

"The game ball goes to……” You could hear a pin drop. It’s not often that 9 and 10 year old boys will sit still for anything, but for the coveted “game ball” ceremony, they sat motionless, waiting for the next words out of the coach’s mouth. The boys weren’t the only ones on pins and needles. I mentally went through the game that had just transpired: “Ok, Tanner went 3 for 3 with 4 runs batted in and played some great D; that has to put him in the running…..Oh, and he scored twice. Surely that got the coach’s attention?!?” The coach paused for dramatic effect and then spoke two of the most beautiful words in the world…..”Tanner Peacock!” You would have thought he had just won the most important award in the world….well, he did. It was the most important award in the world……his world. All season long he had hoped to hear his name called, and every time it wasn’t I would walk him back to the car, arm around him, encouraging him to keep working hard and his day would come. I have to admit, that elusive game ball became the most important award in my world as well. I heard a piece of advice years ago that has served me well in parenting: make what is important to them as important to you as that person is to you. Read that again; it’s kind of deep to get at first glance. I’m not saying that you become a “stage Mom” or that you live vicariously through your kids, but get involved! I am amazed at the amount of kids that have to play their games, perform their recitals or sing their concerts in front of other kids’ parents. Where is their mom and dad? Work, play, civic duties? If you are one of those, I have a word for you: Get a different job! Work and money will come again, childhood doesn’t!"

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