I came across a great blog that I would like to share with all fathers and prospective fathers called "Legacy Dad" (http://www.legacydad.com/). What an amazing blog that will inspire you and encourage you to strive just a little bit more to be the kind of father that God wants you to be.
Here is just a small capsule taken directly from Lance at the Legacy Dad Site:
The picture above is of some good friends of mine (I hope they don't mind, I just thought it was a great picture)...Bobby and Rachel Marchessault. I know Bobby is well on his way to becoming a Legacy Dad of his own!! You should check out his blog also at www.myworshiprevolution.com
Who is a Legacy Dad?
Take a moment and think about your own father or if you did not have a father, someone who was like a father to you…
What do you remember most?
What type of man was he?
Do you remember any special times together?
Are there any times you wish you could forget?
Would you consider this man a mentor or someone to look up to?
Now ask yourself…
What will my children remember me for?
Legacy Dad is a roadmap for building these memories for your children and guiding your children towards success. It gives you specific tools that can help shape a legacy that you will pass on to your children, one in which they will have truly wonderful memories. They will remember you as their mentor and Legacy Dad.
Where we are?
Every man starts this process from a different point, some may be further and some may not yet be to the point of fully committing to this type of plan but the great thing about Legacy Dad is it is made to be a tailored plan. You can use certain areas only or use the whole program. The most important step is to customize this plan to your parenting style, your beliefs and your children. This truly creates a unique experience.
I was at a point in my life where I was spiritually filled, my marriage was better than average, I was progressing well in my career and I wanted to really influence and guide my children. As you look through the Legacy Dad Principles you may find an area you personally need to work on first before applying other principles, don’t worry this is perfectly okay and trying to take shortcuts and skipping a step will not bring about the same results.
In short, Legacy Dad is for a special breed of man, the man who is ready to take the next step and move towards finding Self Actualization. I caution you that this is not easy and most men never make it to this point in their lives, they die wishing they would have gone down this road. This will not be a lot of touchy, feely good suggestions but actual “get out in the real world” and “show your true colors” hard work.
A Legacy Dad must be a wise man, a worldly man. He must have knowledge in a variety of areas that normal men do not. He must master four critical areas in life and take the reigns as the spiritual leader in his family.
A Legacy Dad is:
A man who is bold but humble
A man who honors his wife and treats her as his united partner and confidant
A man who is not afraid to speak about his beliefs and values
A man who has or is ready to become the spiritual leader of his family
A man who sets the example for others to follow
A man who friends and colleagues look up to and ask advice of
A man who is willing to lay it all on the line to protect his family
But most importantly Legacy Dad is
A man who realizes that his children are God’s greatest gift to him and his legacy will not be his job, will not be his money, and will not be his personal accomplishments; but it will be the teachings, guidance, and values that he passes on to his children. His children will take these principles on to their children and their children’s children thus creating a family Legacy.
Maybe no man in your family tree has ever taken this step? Maybe you can be the first?
Most men will never walk this path. Are you up to the Legacy challenge?
Take a moment and think about your own father or if you did not have a father, someone who was like a father to you…
What do you remember most?
What type of man was he?
Do you remember any special times together?
Are there any times you wish you could forget?
Would you consider this man a mentor or someone to look up to?
Now ask yourself…
What will my children remember me for?
Legacy Dad is a roadmap for building these memories for your children and guiding your children towards success. It gives you specific tools that can help shape a legacy that you will pass on to your children, one in which they will have truly wonderful memories. They will remember you as their mentor and Legacy Dad.
Where we are?
Every man starts this process from a different point, some may be further and some may not yet be to the point of fully committing to this type of plan but the great thing about Legacy Dad is it is made to be a tailored plan. You can use certain areas only or use the whole program. The most important step is to customize this plan to your parenting style, your beliefs and your children. This truly creates a unique experience.
I was at a point in my life where I was spiritually filled, my marriage was better than average, I was progressing well in my career and I wanted to really influence and guide my children. As you look through the Legacy Dad Principles you may find an area you personally need to work on first before applying other principles, don’t worry this is perfectly okay and trying to take shortcuts and skipping a step will not bring about the same results.
In short, Legacy Dad is for a special breed of man, the man who is ready to take the next step and move towards finding Self Actualization. I caution you that this is not easy and most men never make it to this point in their lives, they die wishing they would have gone down this road. This will not be a lot of touchy, feely good suggestions but actual “get out in the real world” and “show your true colors” hard work.
A Legacy Dad must be a wise man, a worldly man. He must have knowledge in a variety of areas that normal men do not. He must master four critical areas in life and take the reigns as the spiritual leader in his family.
A Legacy Dad is:
A man who is bold but humble
A man who honors his wife and treats her as his united partner and confidant
A man who is not afraid to speak about his beliefs and values
A man who has or is ready to become the spiritual leader of his family
A man who sets the example for others to follow
A man who friends and colleagues look up to and ask advice of
A man who is willing to lay it all on the line to protect his family
But most importantly Legacy Dad is
A man who realizes that his children are God’s greatest gift to him and his legacy will not be his job, will not be his money, and will not be his personal accomplishments; but it will be the teachings, guidance, and values that he passes on to his children. His children will take these principles on to their children and their children’s children thus creating a family Legacy.
Maybe no man in your family tree has ever taken this step? Maybe you can be the first?
Most men will never walk this path. Are you up to the Legacy challenge?
Please take the opportunity to check out this fantastic blog...you'll love it!!
Thanks for the shout out Marc!
And thanks even more for being a great example of a great father.
Tell Jane she looks exactly like she did when we were in College!!!
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